Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bismillah NO! They will not let me go!
Just came back from WE WILL ROCK YOU, and....WOW!! This is practically everything I could ever hope for in a musical! Rock music, CLASSIC rock music, random references to Singapore, reeeeaaaaalllllyyy cool outfits, and kick ass singing! Course there were plenty of other references to other things, like Eminem, Rolling Stones, lines from Queen songs( so you gotta have like a basic general knowledge of these), the Rock genre, and....VICTORIA BECKHAM?!
I got most of them, which made me And one time during the show, the main characters ran PAST my seat!! WOAH! That's never happened to me before! Course after I realised that happened they were in front. Damn fast runners. But it had superb acting, GREAT humour, FANTASTIC SONGS(They're by Queen.What'ja expect?)
Basically the plot is about these kids like 50 years into the future from now, and all music is banned(except those that were approved by Globalsoft), and like in every rock gig, it's all about rebellion baby! So there are these rebels who believe that rock isn't dead, and are trying to revive the dream by...I won't ruin it.
Such songs include Radio Ga-ga, Bohemian Rhapsody, We will rock you, we are the champions,I want it all(YEAH!), I want to break free(Currently stuck in my head), Killer Queen, A kind of magic,Under pressure, and basically every hit they've had. Wanted to buy the soundtrack but it's like 22 bucks. All the merchandise were expensive. SIGH...
And in the show there was this bit where they pay tribute to all the late rockers and musicians, really touching and inspiring bit. Nearly made me cry(I'm such a softie).
50 bucks is a bloody worthwhile price for the experience I just had. Let's just hope the show runs forever! Because all we hear is, Radio Ga-ga...And that's all we want to hear.

Da_movie_kid was shot at 10:04 PM